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The Eagle’s Nest
Part of the Boy Scout Oath includes “duty to other people.” This is epitomized in “Doing a Good Turn Daily.” One way of living this is to start or be part of an “Eagle’s Nest.” The motto of Eagle’s Nest is “Troops helping other Troops”
There are many troops within the Northern Star Council who are vulnerable because they do not have enough leadership. Part of this is due to parents who work two jobs, don’t speak English, or are not present.
An ideal Eagle’s Nest would consist of a vulnerable or struggling troop, one or more Cub Scout packs and a Venture Crew combined with and supported by a well-established troop. The goal is for the well-established troop to add opportunities and stability to the “new or vulnerable” troop. The established troop can supplement the leadership and help with transportation when needed. Bob Nelson, Scoutmaster of Troop 71 in Woodbury initiated the Eagle’s Nest program by working with Troop and Venture Crew 715 located at the Merrick Center on St Paul’s East Side. Troop leaders and scouts attended each other’s meetings, held joint camping events, and attended courses at The College of Wilderness Knowledge at the Birch Bend Campground in central Minnesota. When an established troop supports a new or vulnerable troop in these ways, it adds continuity which is needed to have scouts complete the trail to Eagle and enable these new troops to be successful. Troop 71 also mentored Troop 32. Troop 67 helped establish and mentor Troop. These are just a few examples.
The Eagle’s Nest program has also helped newly chartered units (troop, pack or Venture Crew) with finding cook kits, sleeping bags and tents so they can begin camping and working on their advancement. The Eagle’s Nest program has some equipment at their Birch Bend campground that troops may borrow while camping there. Units may also apply for grants to acquire equipment.