Camping, Pioneering, Cooking
School of Woodland Knowledge – Director

I have been involved with youth outdoor education for over 50 years.    Hockey was a passion and I have spent decades working with youth in the HGRA (Highland Groveland) athletic programs.   I am also active with and a past treasurer of the Kiwanis Club of North Suburban Golden K. 

Scouting has been a large part of my activities with youth development.  My 60 plus years of adult scout leadership have included: Cub master, Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, Webelos Leader, Explorer Post Advisor, and many District and Council committee positions.  My own scouting experience led me from Tenderfoot to Eagle Scout. 

I am very involved with the College of Wilderness Knowledge as a member of its faculty advisory committee and an instructor for camping, cooking and other courses. 

In response to the need, I saw as a Webelos leader, I expanded the educational offerings to include courses that are also appropriate for outdoor-oriented Webelos activity badges.  This is a flexible program that can be taught in local parks or nature preserves as well as our Birch Bend campground.  Contact me for more information regarding the School of Woodland Knowledge for youth 8-12 years old. 

I teach the camping and pioneering courses for the College of Wilderness Knowledge and assist the instructors in other courses, including knots and knives with the girl scouts.