Archery, Canoeing, Pioneering, Mammal Study, Nature
Mr. Setterholm is an Eagle Scout and has been a teacher at Centennial Middle School, located in Lino Lakes, MN since 1990. He has been involved with the Boy Scouts of America program for most of his life and has a passion for outdoor education and is a strong supporter of the “No Child Left Inside” movement.
Besides Mr. Setterholm’s interest in backcountry camping and high adventure treks too far off places, he also makes time in his busy schedule to share his knowledge of outdoor skills with young people involved in youth-centered programs. At Birch Bend, Mr. Setterholm facilitates the Archery, Canoeing, Pioneering, Mammal Study and Nature merit badge classes. He also serves as an “on-call” camp host and is always eager to help out with cold-weather camping events